Once you know the rules you can draw a realistic looking butterfly without any special drawing skills. Very simple and. Click a link below to view more butterfly illustrations.
simple butterfly drawing side view

Butterfly simple drawing see more about butterfly simple drawing butterfly drawing steps butterfly simple drawing monarch butterfly simple drawing simple butterfly drawing colour simple butterfly drawing images simple butterfly drawing side view simple butterfly drawing step by step simple butterfly drawings black and white simple butterfly drawings with color simple butterfly line.
Simple butterfly drawing side view. Then draw two small ovals at each side of the circle for the eyesstep 2 create the butterflys antennae. The tricky part when you draw a butterfly is the toothed contour on hind wings. Butterfly drawing easy methods. How to draw butterflies step by step you will notice how all of these butterflies start with simple shapes.
All the best monarch butterfly drawing side 36 collected on this page. In fact as you can see in the picture above i see an alphabet letter in each of these beginning butterfly drawings y x l y and another x. 1000s of drawing videos in one place. Butterflies are certainly simple to draw and you can add whatever detail you like to the wing pattern to finish off your butterfly drawing.
I hope you have fun with it. Butterflies are a wonderful drawing subjecttheir wings have a certain pattern that can be reduced to a few rules. It is very easy to draw only one side but may be difficult to match exactly the opposite side the same way. See more ideas about drawings of butterflies buterfly drawing and picture of a butterfly.
Step 1 start with the head of the butterfly. Downloadable coloring pages how to videos drawings for kids printable coloring pages beginners to advanced levels of drawing tutorials. Find and save ideas about butterfly drawing on pinterest. In this tutorial i will show you how to draw a monarch butterfly step by step right from scratch.
On top of the head draw two long lines for the antennae. Sketch in a circle for the head. Good idea is also to draw first only one side either right or left and then fold the paper half in the middle of the body and imprint the graphite on the other side so that you can get exactly both sides the same.