7 ways to reduce ocean plastic pollution today by brian hutchinson. How to draw soil pollution drawing for kids avoid plastic bags drawing for kids duration. Stop ocean plastic pollution avoid plastics awareness drawing kids hub.
ocean plastic pollution drawings

The haunting art of plastic pollution.
Ocean plastic pollution drawings. Overall plastic is the number one source of pollution in the ocean. The kids were clearly inspired by the message of protecting the marine environment. Kids hub 3207. In the ocean plastic pollution impacts sea turtles whales seabirds fish coral reefs and countless other marine species and habitats.
The drawings are full of charm despite the downbeat subject matter. From the sea surface to the ocean floor she wants. One beach plastic by richard and judith lang. Ocean drawing environmental pollution ocean pollution plastic pollution environmental issues water pollution poster ecology art boards environmentalist entry for an oceans pollution awareness contest.
Not all sources of contamination in the ocean come from just oil trash and solid wastes. Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats to ocean health worldwide. Using trash from the sea and birds stomachs mandy barkers work forces us to face our waste. This years focus is the prevention of plastic ocean pollution and events are taking.
13 artists who turned ocean trash into amazing art. Express the importance of protecting our oceans from plastic pollution with a full color lightweight ultra soft beach towel featuring the original artwork of keren sagastume henderson nv. What is plastic pollution. The dumping of radioactive waste from nuclear reactors industrial race such as heavy metals and acids and drained sewage are also heavy contributors to pollution.
Ocean plastic pollutions shocking death toll on endangered animals. Since 1999 richard lang and judith selby lang have visited 1000 yards of kehoe beach in the point reyes national seashore california to gather plastic pollution washing out of the pacific ocean. Keren was a winner of the 2016 bow seat ocean awareness student contest. 13 kids drawings that inspire us to save the ocean.
Pilfered is made of over 1000 pieces of ocean.