How to draw a whale step by step cartoon style learn how to draw a whale tutorial and printable. Drawing your favourite characters is. Watch the video tutorial.
cartoon whale drawing easy

Second step draw your whale.
Cartoon whale drawing easy. Draw a letter u shape at the base of each w shape to create a tulip form. Draw two curved lines at the tip of the mouth to form lips. Also you can choose between real models styles or to draw a cartoon whale. First draw a simple rectangle.
For the tail itself just draw two oval shapes in a 45 degree angle. How to draw a cartoon whale with easy step by step drawing tutorial. Learn how to draw this cartoon whale with the following simple step to step tutorial. Next draw another small rectangle to illustrate the middle part of the tail.
Draw two curved lines extending from one side of the tail allowing the lines to meet at a sharp point. Step by step instructions for drawing a whale. Draw the guidelines dividing the oval in half twice. Draw two ovals for each eye and an oval on the top of the whale.
Repeat this process to draw a mirror image on the opposite side. Fish drawing in some cases is one of the easiest ways to learn to draw. Beginning with the eye of your animal sketch your animal using the steps below to help you along. And after you learn how to draw a whale you can begin with dolphin drawing easy.
This forms one half of the tail fin. That will do for. Add detaildraw a cheek an eye and an eyebrow above. It should be a little bit larger than higher.
How to draw a cartoon whale step 1. Below the smile draw a half oval for the lower jaw. On the right end of the head draw two small curves like fat rolls. If you choose to do so though i recommend you make the tail fins a tad bigger to match.
If you wish to move beyond characters nature is a favourite topic of ink drawers. If you like you can make the green portion the body a bit longer. Yes absolutely free hand drawing of an ideal star. Get the how to draw a whale cartoon like step by step printable pdf template here.
Drawing simple characters is a great method to learn the fundamentals and secrets of drawing. How to draw a whale method 1 a cartoon whale draw a curve that looks sort of like an upside down dish. You will be enthusiastic when you go achieving progressive goals and being specialized in fish drawings. Now lets draw this cartoon whale.
Or follow these step by step drawing instructions. Start off by drawing a long oval.